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Baby Audio Atoms: A synthesizer based on a virtual network of objects

Baby Audio released Atoms - a synthesizer based on a virtual network of objects of different masses and springs
Baby Audio released Atoms - a synthesizer based on a virtual network of objects of different masses and springs

Baby Audio has introduced a new synthesizer, Atoms, based on physical sound modeling. It is noted that the plugin uses a software network of springs and masses that determine the behavior of the tool.

The synthesizer relies on a virtual network of objects of different masses, connected by springs with different degrees of tension. The sound is generated through interaction with the network and resembles “playing with a bow,” the developers noted.

The plugin was developed by the same team that created the experimental Transit tool . The company emphasized that Atoms uses a complex algorithm, but for the user interaction is limited to six parameters:

  1. Chaos – random events and distortions;
  2. Force — the strength of the bow, which affects the intensity of the signal;
  3. Drive — signal saturation;
  4. Order — the order of interaction with network elements;
  5. Overtones – selection of “places where the virtual bow is located”, affecting the number of overtones in the sound;
  6. Filter is a low-pass filter.

Additionally, the plugin received support for automating parameters for dynamic sound changes. The latter, according to the developers, will allow the generation of organic moving textures that change over time. Atoms is also compatible with the MPE protocol—users can bind any of six parameters to each note.

Baby Audio Atoms synthesizer
Atoms Interface

The developers abandoned a separate effects section, focusing on the sound of the synthesizer itself and the operation of the algorithm. At the same time, company representatives noted that the plugin has built-in chorus and vibrato, which are generated in real time through the same network of objects.

Baby Audio Atoms is distributed in VST/VST3, AU and AAX formats. The synthesizer is compatible with operating systems Windows 10 and later, macOS 10.11 and later (Intel/Apple). The tool is regularly priced at $99, but for a limited time you can purchase the plugin at a discounted price of $59. You can get more details about the synthesizer on  the official Baby Audio website.

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