The Magnat MA 1000 amplifier uses a hybrid architecture that combines the advantages of tubes, transistors and integrated circuits. Magnat developers adopted a symbiosis of technologies from different eras as soon as they began to design their own electronics. And electric vacuum devices here are not so much a tribute to the current fashion, although this point has probably been calculated. In the preliminary stages, at least, such a beautiful and sound-effective solution is not easy to find. The fact is that the lamp allows you to build a cascade that combines a lot of useful factors – exemplary linearity, a colossal dynamic range (the output signal swing can reach 50 – 60 volts) over a wide band and with a short harmonic loop.
And, what is most valuable, all this is easily achieved without feedback on three or four passive parts – resistances and capacitors. True, all this is true only when working with a high-impedance load, so in tube power amplifiers you have to install an output transformer to match the acoustics. In a small-signal path, all the advantages are fully realized quite simply, but additional filament power is required (6.3 or 12 V) and an anode voltage of 200 – 250 V. A pair of ECC82 double triodes, selected for identical characteristics after a 60-hour warm-up, are installed in a separate compartment of the case. All audiophile canons are observed – sockets with gold-plated contacts, WIMA film capacitors, Nichicon Muse electrolytes, short signal path. The light bulbs glow comfortably through the porthole windows cut out on the front panel.
The signal to the tube stages is supplied only from linear inputs (CD, Tuner, AUX, TAPE and mini-jack LINE on the front panel), and the MM/MS phono preamplifier is built on modern operational amplifiers that can provide a better signal-to-noise ratio. The PHONO inputs for heads of different types are separate, which allows you to connect two players without unnecessary fuss with cables. The corrector has a filter with a cutoff frequency of 16 Hz, which is useful when infra-low components appear at the output.
The inputs are switched by a line of miniature relays controlled by a microprocessor. The volume is controlled by a dual motorized ALPS potentiometer. The designation of the active input and the volume level are displayed in the round indicator window. There, when turned on, the inscription WARMING UP appears, which goes out after the lamps warm up. The PROTECT warning indicates that the amplifier is overheated and has a short circuit or constant voltage at its output. In any case, the acoustics are turned off to avoid damage.
The final amplifiers are discrete, complementary pairs of Toshiba output transistors mounted on a solid heat sink. They are capable of delivering power up to 2 x 115 W when working with 4-ohm speakers. Power is supplied from a toroidal transformer and rectifiers with storage capacitors with a capacity of 4 x 10000 µF.
There are four screw-type acoustic terminals, so if desired, you can connect the acoustics via bi-wiring cables with any lugs. An adjustable line output is provided for system expansion with an additional power amplifier. The remote control is shared with Magnat CD players. The amp-specific buttons are responsible for adjusting the volume, resetting Mute, selecting a source and turning off the display.
Magnat MA 1000 is assembled on a steel chassis, the 8 mm thick front panel and turned aluminum handles indicate the serious attitude of engineers and designers to their project. I wouldn’t call the style strict, although the German origin of the device shows the solidity of the design and impeccable execution.
Characteristics of Magnat MA 1000
Output power: nominal 2 x 115 W (20 Hz – 20 kHz, THD <1%, 4 Ohms), 2 x 80 W (8 Ohms); peak 2 x 250 W (1 kHz, 4 ohms) (8 ohms)
Frequency range: line inputs 5 Hz – 100 kHz (-3 dB), Phono input 20 Hz – 20 kHz (+/-0.1 dB)
Nominal sensitivity / impedance : 400 mV/100 kOhm (Line), 2.5 mV/100 kOhm (Phono MM), 0.3 mV/470 Ohm (Phono MC)
Signal-to-noise ratio: -110 dB (Line), 89 dB (Phono MM ) ), 77 dB (Phono MC)
LPF Filter: 16 Hz, 18 dB/oct.
Outputs: Pre Out, for recording, 6.3 mm for headphones
Power consumption: 420 VA
Dimensions (W x H x D): 434 x 125 x 380 mm
Weight: 11 kg
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