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LG stops production of Blu-ray players

LG stops production of Blu-ray players
LG stops production of Blu-ray players

LG has declared that it will halt the development and manufacturing of BluRay players effective immediately. While current inventory will still be available for purchase, LG has officially moved on from BluRay, marking the end of an era for the company.

Is Blu-ray Facing Extinction?

20250111110109 2025 01

Home theater aficionados who have been part of the scene for a few years will recall the significant moment in 2018 when Oppo announced it would no longer produce Blu-ray players. This marked a pivotal shift in the landscape of optical media. Following Oppo’s lead, Samsung also exited the Blu-ray market in 2019, leaving LG, Sony, and Panasonic as the last major players still manufacturing these devices. Now, LG has joined the ranks of those stepping away, halting production of all Blu-ray players, including the UHD UBK80 and UBK90 models launched in 2018. The absence of new releases from LG over the years speaks volumes.

LG has stated that the UBK80 and UBK90 will be available until supplies run out, but reports suggest that stock is dwindling. While LG has not completely ruled out a return to optical disc production if demand rises, such a scenario seems improbable.


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At present, Panasonic and Sony continue to offer UHD players, yet keen observers will note that neither has refreshed their product lines in quite some time. Sony’s popular PlayStation 5 has eliminated the optical drive option, although it can still be purchased separately. The same applies to Microsoft’s Xbox Series X. With both platforms emphasizing downloadable games, the need for physical discs has diminished for many users.

LG’s withdrawal from the Blu-ray market is merely the latest chapter in a long-term decline driven by the rise and eventual supremacy of streaming services like Netflix. This platform, which initially gained traction as a DVD rental service, completely phased out its DVD offerings in 2023, coinciding with Best Buy’s announcement to stop selling DVDs and Blu-ray discs in its stores.

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Richard Nelson
1 month ago

It is interesting how the big guys want to control everything by forcing people to stream i will not give in to them and I will buy another blu ray player while I can there are tv shows I have on disc that are not available on streaming platforms