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Lehmannaudio Phonolith 1
Lehmannaudio Phonolith 1
Lehmannaudio Phonolith


Lehmannaudio Phonolith: Phono stage, preamplifier and headphone amplifier combined

Since the release of its first product in 1995, Lehmannaudio has been producing high-quality audio products for both music lovers and professional users.

The brand’s new Lehmannaudio Phonolith combines an MM/MC phono stage, a preamplifier and a headphone amplifier, which allows you to build on its basis a personal audio system for listening to vinyl, or connect it to a power amplifier, for example, to the Lehmannaudio Stamp, or to active speakers for building a complete audio system. The new product comes with a Lehmannaudio PWX II LZ power supply, housed in a separate housing.

Lehmannaudio Phonolith – phono stage, preamplifier and headphone amplifier

The Lehmannaudio Phonolith switching arsenal includes a separate input for connecting a turntable and a line input for another source. The phono stage is capable of working with both moving magnet (MM) and moving coil (MC) cartridges, and is equipped with extensive settings. An unbalanced output on RCA connectors is provided for connecting a power amplifier or active speakers. To connect headphones, a 6.3 mm jack connector is located on the front panel.

Lehmannaudio Phonolith – phono stage, preamplifier and headphone amplifier

The Lehmannaudio Phonolith is available with a black or silver bezel. The recommended retail price of the new product in the UK is £2,599.

Lehmannaudio Phonolith

Lehmannaudio Phonolith

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