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Musician Monoceros: Class A balanced preamplifier unveiled

Musician Monoceros
Musician Monoceros

Musician has released the Monoceros preamplifier , which features a resistive array volume control (R-2R) .


The regulator has 60 steps and is controlled from the included remote control. The stabilized power supply uses a high-quality toroidal transformer, current coupling is used in the signal circuits, and the amplification is pure class A. The amplifier case and chassis are made of aluminum panels, machined from a single piece on a CNC machine.


For connection to a signal source, the rear panel has two balanced inputs on XLR and one unbalanced on RCA, outputs include one pair of XLR and one pair of RCA. The preamplifier has compact dimensions of 330 x 320 x 60 mm and is available in black and silver colors. The input impedance for all inputs is 20 kOhm.

The Musician Monoceros preamp retails online for $1,169

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